Saturday, August 6, 2011

In Canada, aye!

After a very short but sweet trip though Montana, we have suddenly ended up in a brand new country.  Canada!  The land of the canucks (and maple syrup- yum).
We spent 3 days and 3 nights in Montana - and did 3 awesome rides whilst we were there.  Montana can pretty much be described as pine trees, mountains, rivers, pine trees, mountains, rivers...etc.  Beautiful state, and very sparsely populated compared to others.  And funnily enough, a lot less fat people too - everyone looked trim, outdoorsy and healthy!
First stop was Bozeman.  Have heard it described
as the yuppie town of Montana (by fellow Montana-ans) - but we thought it was a very appealing & friendly place.  There happened to be an organic Farmers Market on whilst we were there, and also a 'Community Safety Fair' which we visited and scored heaps of free stuff (was really aimed at kids, but we didn't care, we got ourselves loads of stickers & plastic nik-nak things now)!!  The fair included demo's from the cops, ambulance crew, armed forces (heaps of guns for kids to 'try out'! what the heck), etc etc - and one of the stalls was even giving away free Bell helmets to all the kids.  We were impressed with that. 
Did a neat ride the next day up to Emerald Lake (see pics) - absolutely stunning scenery at the top - a lake sitting in a large natural amphitheatre.  However the biting mozzies curtailed our much needed rest at the top.  Damn insects! Met lots of cool people on the ride too.  These Montana folk seem mighty friendly, and very laid back!
Next stop - Missoula.  Another small & quiet little town with the busiest pub ever.  Went there for dinner on a Wed night and it was packed.  Half the town must have been there.  Probably ate the biggest salad I have ever eaten in my life.  Kept trying to remind myself that lettuce is mostly water!!  Haha.  Also did a ride there called Spring Gulch, which was a couple hours long and involved a hefty climb and some pretty sweet single track.  No bears sighted on this ride :-)  Haven't had to use the bear spray yet thank goodness!
Drove further north again up to Whitefish.  Didn't actually see the town at all, as bypassed it to a remote campground next to Tally Lake.  Stunning area, and nice warm-ish water to swim in.  Plus was located near to our next chosen ride...'Reid's Divide' trail.  1000 metres of climbing on dirt track, followed by a massive descent on single track.  Didn't see a single person on this ride!!  Felt very remote.  Would've been perfect apart from the 25 or so trees that were down on the  downhill track, which we had to stop and clamber over.  Ah well....still very enjoyable though.
So, now we are in Canada.  Crossed the border yesterday in pouring rain and loud thunderous conditions...and stayed in Radium Hot Springs last night.  So far Canada seems very beautiful - once again, a lot of pine trees, mountains and rivers!  Brent has gone out on his bike, and I am thinking I will now go and pay the hot pools a visit.  It'd be rude not to, aye!!  (the  NZ 'ayes' fit in perfectly to Canadian speak)  Off to Canmore (Banff area) today, as our friend Brendan lives up there, so going to stay there for a couple of days and check out their famous trails!  Looking forward to staying in 1 town for a few days.  Adios from E & B

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